It is easy to look to someone else to fulfill our needs or desires. Talk shows are full of people who've chosen a mate to be someone's "all in all" and, for whatever reason, it doesn't work out. People tend to want to find that magic in someone that will rescue them from their current situation. We do it with people, but we also do it with stuff. We want that lottery win so bad. We think that will rescue us from our current situation. Then how is it that 70% of lottery winners are bankrupt? We don't find our hero to be what we expect it to be.
For those of us old enough to remember School House Rock, there was a song called "My Hero, Zero." The point of the lesson is that by itself a zero is nothing but put it behind a "1" and you've got "10," an increase numerically. The Zero finds itself to be heroic in that it's nothingness turns into value when used in conjunction with another number.
As "People People," we get so many chances to bring zeroes to heroic levels. I am not talking about budgets (I've tried that before and some accountant always catches my "accidental" additional zero at the end of the HR budget), but rather finding value in all of those who work with and for us. The quietness of a worker should not be allowed to signify his/her minor contribution to the whole while the boisterous worker seems to get credit for things he/she had nothing to do with just because of loudness. Cultivating those "zeroes" into heroes is part of our strategic responsibility.
A hero is one who is admired for performing great and/or brave acts and has fine qualities, according to Webster's Dictionary. Aren't there some people in our workplaces that have those qualities and others simply do not know or notice, including the hero himself/herself? Give consideration as to how to cultivate heroes.
Heroes are not those in front, per se, seeking the accolades. We've got to look for them. The humility coupled with the great or brave act is admirable and sets a tone for others. The culture becomes attuned to the qualities in those being recognized. It sets a pattern that we want repeated.
I am holding out for a hero in each of your companies. You need one. And lest I forget to say, you may actually be that hero for your company. And if your company hasn't recognized it yet, keep doing what you're doing. It's not for you to determine what management ought to do for you. You just keep doing what you're doing because it's the right thing to do. We are still allowed to do that; no federal or state law requires us to change that practice (yet)!