We’re down to the Final Four here in the US. (With apologies to our readers from across the globe...
A Dynamic Duo of HR Carnival Goodness
The Carnival of HR was TWICE the fun this past month when, due to a perfect celestial convergence and the bending of the time-space continuum (or something), we had TWO fantastic hosts with TWO distinct roundups of HR content.
Act 1
First up, our friends at MeBeBot hosted “Double the Fun With A Dazzling Duo of Delightful May HR Blogs – Act I” and found that our Carnival contributors addressed the challenges and opportunities as recently outlined in a Gartner survey.
Among the content shared:
- Humareso’s John Baldino shed light on the importance of planning for more than just an emotional organizational connection during the hiring process.
- Prasad Kurian discussed the power of the written word and the fact its leaving behind an intellectual DNA and immortality.
Check out the rest of Act 1 here.
Act 2
Next up, the team at Fama (who recently acquired Social Intelligence Corp.!) shared May Marvels: Double the Fun with our Dazzling Duo of Delightful May HR Blogs Act 2. Lots of intriguing content here including:
- The Wellbeing of Your Workforce is Your Business by George Rogers
- Help Employees Get Back in the Driver’s Seat of Their Career Development by Julie Winkle Giulioni
Check out the rest of Act 2 here.
Thanks – as always – to ALL the HR content creators who contribute to the monthly #HRCarnival!
Interested in contributing to the monthly Carnival of HR? Running continuously since 2007, the Carnival of HR is a monthly collection of curated content – with a new “host” each month - that brings together a diverse collection of information designed to make you think while introducing you to new creators in the HR eco-system. Ringleader duties are currently handled by Humareso; contact us for information!